breaking news, entertainment, news, politics

Clinton expresses regret for saying ‘half’ of Trump supporters are ‘deplorables’

New York (CNN)Hillary Clinton expressed “regret” Saturday for comments in which she said “half” of Donald Trump‘s supporters are “deplorables,” meaning people who are racist, sexist, homophobic or xenophobic.


news, technology

Five Ways Obama Can Mess with Republicans in 2016


President Barack Obama knows how to get under Republicans’ skin (in so many ways, but in this case we’re talking about going around Congress to get things done), and he ended 2014 with a bang: A climate deal with China. Executive action on immigration. A move to normalize relations with Cuba.


breaking news, news, petraeus, politics

Petraeus Case: How FBI Gets Private Emails

So how and when can the FBI access a citizen’s personal email account? That is a key issue in the investigation surrounding General David Petraeus.


news, news gaggregator

A decade of slow growth?

By Fareed Zakaria


Every year at Davos, people like me try to get a sense of the mood of the place, take the temperature of people in this frosty mountain resort.

Obviously, I will give you a highly impressionistic and personal picture, but it’s one I find useful since Davos does bring together leaders in government, business, media – even the NGO community – from all corners of the world. It is genuinely global in a way that few conferences are…


breaking news, news, trending, world news

Tech Depression and Suicide

As we know, some of the best minds in this World are in Tech. Feelings of depression again can be as common, as feelings for success. There are things that we wish not to discuss that stand in our way of discussions regarding depression.

We must learn, and understand what to do when we feel lost, or that failure might rise its head. There is more to life than success. Last November we lost yet another member of our great community…..

breaking news, news

Larry Klayman crows on NSA win: ‘We hit the mother lode’


Klayman, the conservative legal activist well-known in Washington political circles a decade ago for his no-holds-barred court battles against the Clinton administration, was thrust back into the spotlight Monday after he obtained the first major ruling from a federal judge that the National Security Agency’s surveillance program was constitutionally flawed.

“We hit the mother lode,” an elated Klayman said Monday, indulging in some of the hyperbole he became known for during his 1990s crusades. “It was the biggest decision in the context of the government in my lifetime. This is the most outrageous invasion of constitutional rights I’ve seen in my life.”


breaking news, news, technology, trending, world news

Oh yea? Top 10 Most Famous Hackers of All Time

This is an older list, but always juicy reading….

The portrayal of hackers in the media has ranged from the high-tech super-spy, as in Mission Impossible where Ethan Hunt repels from the ceiling to hack the CIA computer system and steal the “NOC list,” to the lonely anti-social teen who is simply looking for entertainment…


breaking news, news, technology, trending, world news

T.I. & Iggy Azalea Talk Throwing Money To Fans In The Studio (VIDEO)

Studio Life: T.I. & Grand Hustle Invade 3 Little Digs Headquarters! from 3 Little Digs on Vimeo.

Source: 3 little Digs

49ers, entertainment, news, ravens, sports, super bowl

Will it Happen? Super Bowl Simulator: 49ers win over Ravens, Avg score 28-21?

Paul Bessire @predictmachine

In 50k simulations of Super Bowl XLVII the San Francisco 49ers win over Baltimore Ravens 67% of time, avg. score 28-21.

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